Sunday, 12 May 2013

Happy Mummies Day!

Firstly, Happy Mother's Day!
This goes out to all the seasoned Mamas
New Mamas or Mamas to be
The Daddies who are Mamas
Those Mamas who carry a child in their heart
Those who wish they were Mamas
Those who are yet to become Mamas
Those whose Mamas aren't here to be loved on this year

Hope you had a day well spent however made your heart happy.
A little bit on that in a minute.


As I mentioned last post, something I have been waiting for, for a very long time, 9 months to be exact, landed in my mailbox this week.
Introducing the beautiful Girasol Summer Beach in the fuschia weft.
I also thought I would give fringe a go.

Shown here carrying Mouse in a kangaroo carry, top right and a front wrap cross carry bottom left

Such a beautiful wrap. My favourite colours are blue and yellow, so this was a must have for me. It has reaffirmed my love for the wrap as a baby carrier and I am enjoying very much. 
I have spied another wrap which I missed a pre order on called Meeru and I am hoping to secure one of those for my stash one day, running much along the same colour combination.
I didn't initially order Summer Beach as a pre order and I am glad I didn't, I found out a term called weft regret and I almost had it. Summer Beach comes in four wefts, fuchsia, yellow, purple and black. I have never much been into the dark wefts but loved the idea of a bright yellow. When I saw the action shots I much preferred the sneaky pink of the fuchsia. I am a happy lady :)

Our day of wrap arrival was a bit exciting. Here it is in picture frames. 
We painted our nails, emo kid chose black, little punk rocker than he is. 
He also chose his clothes and dressed himself entirely (down to the shoes!) for the very first time! 
I was super proud, he was super proud. Great moment.
He also zoomed off to get my parcel and then proceeded to try open everyone's PO boxes.


We had a busy day the following day attending the markets which are held here.
 It is sometimes something I avoid as big boy is often overwhelmed but we had a pleasant time.
That is where I picked up this.
Isn't it simply darling?
A talented friend creates these mason jar terrariums.
Pure coincidence I stumbled upon it.
Mouse, mushroom, buntings.. It is like me in a bottle.
Makes me ultimate happy!

With Husband being gone I am trying to keep us busy.
I even managed to do my hair, small miracles and here it is in all its pre straightened glory.
I forgot how nice it is to just do something for myself, reminder to do more things like that, it definitely put me in a feel good place.

Following the markets boys had a nap and we had a 4th birthday party to attend in the afternoon. It was a great time, the weather is beginning to be just delightful. 
It is still warm enough for boys kids to have some water fun without freezing. Even if Mouse indulged in his jeans. 
I have been beyond impressed with Mushroom and his behaviour and manners of late. 
He tends to pick up a lot around him, as most 3 year olds do, bad habits are hard to break.
He is just such a beautiful boy and despite the odd bit of sibling rivalry with his brother he's been speaking up a lot more when running in with others and I am really happy.
 The party was a great success and he played so well.

Little nutbag

Chasing rainbows

 The kids decided to utilise all the space of Mother's Day they could manage by waking up a little past midnight. I think the last couple days of full on have been a bit too much. 
I was fairly zombie this morning, we headed down to the community centre again for Kindergym Mother's Day little fair. 
One amazing coffee and apple slice later and I was feeling human. 
Kids had a ball.
Bouncy castles, chaos and facepainting. 
My boy cracks me up, he is scared to death of Spiderman but insisted this is what he must have, he sat still for the duration, I was surprised and pleased.
I won the raffle, which was a huge hamper of chocolate - yummy. Mushroom could not believe that this was coming home with us.
I was presented with my card big boy created at day care and the 2 posters the boys made at playgroup the following week.
I think I mentioned I love tiny hand art? :)
We ended our day with a BBQ with friends at the park.
I am hoping this is enough to exhaust my two and they sleep through the night?
I feel like the goal I set for myself in my past post was smashed.
I had the best day with my kids I really just enjoyed them.
My biggest happiness is to see delight on their small faces.
Even though it is my 2nd as a Mama to my two boys, it was the 1st I really appreciated this fact, watching them play together.
Best Mother's Day present ever!

Fragments of our day
 I was having a few sad thoughts as this month marks the 2nd year since we lost a baby.
I feel I am a Mama to 3 little people, I don't think a day goes by I don't wonder about what kind of person they would have been but it sure does make me appreciate my babies Earthside all the more.
I don't really think losing a baby ever gets any easier, I definitely don't think having Mouse has filled the void as I hoped it would to some extent, it just opened another little bank of love to deposit into and to surround with hopes and dreams for him which I am glad for. 
Now, I think our very very small person should be remembered for their own being, as much as it brings sadness, they brought a lot of joy for a short period of time.
 Overall, today has been a wonderful day.
I am glad Husband wasn't here a little as I loved the alone time with my kids being motherly.
I have been loving it all week.
I do miss him though.
Would have been nice to have a spare set of hands last night.
I am tired but very content.
I feel like a fat broody hen on her clutch of eggs.
Very proud of what good, kind people I have created, despite making me what to pull my hair out most days.
I don't think I could do boring anymore.
Happy Mother's Day<3
One proud Mama.

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