Thursday, 21 November 2013

Sand, Snooze and General Mischief

Husband is very lucky to work 8 days on and 6 days off. We have a whole 6 uninterrupted blissful days to spend together as a family. Most weeks we don't do much and the week slips by, days of occasional food shopping, computer gaming and loving on each other.
We have just come to the end of a wonderful lazy yet busy week together.
Coming towards the completion of the year and the threat of Christmas looming has meant there is plenty to do and activities for the boys increase.

Visiting Dad at work and having lunch
We started our week with a trip to Karratha for a ultrasound on my kidney, pain and bladder issues have given a red light on possible hydronephrosis again, the reason why Mouse was kicked out a little ahead of schedule.
Looks like a positive on that, the severity and effects will be reason for ongoing monitoring and probably another early eviction date for this little girl.
I am in two minds about this, the pain and weeing every 5 minutes suck but I really love the idea of a set day and being organised to meet our newbie.
I am hoping we both stay well enough until then.
Other than that at 25 weeks I am huge in comparison to pregnant with Mouse. Baby is moving a lot, parties all night long and as much as it is a love/hate relationship I love my bump, it is big enough to fold clothes on, however I am expanding far faster than I would like. It is around 13 weeks until we meet your little face and it cannot go fast enough.

Hello baby!
Since we made the trip to Karratha we stayed overnight in Dampier, on a spur of the moment decision we made our way to Hearson's Cove for the boys to frolic about and collect shells, I enjoyed whaling about in the shallow warm water in my new spotty bathers, resembling a soggy toadstool :)
It was just beautiful and made my soul calm.

After a great few hours shopping and visiting the indoor playcentre - Big thumbs up from all big and little people, we drove home the following day, our week went on to consist of a lot of time with our crazy 2 and plenty of eating, napping and happiness.
It was my favourite type of week.


  • You are 4 years old
  • You still go on about your birthday party like you're having another one tomorrow
  • Ipad obsessed
  • Still Lightning McQueen overload, Octonauts have joined in also Mike the Knight and SpiderMan
  • So excited for your new sister and constantly ask me if the new bubby is in my bellybutton still, sometimes you stick your eye against it to try see her
  • You love picking clothes out for her, especially if they have butterflies
  • We are nearly toilet trained - hooray!
  • You have hit the *why* stage - its awful!! lol I have become the mum that says things like 'Because I said so!' After the 10th 'But why?'
  • Your favourite foods are chicken & chips, bacon, watermelon, salad, icecream - bubble O'bills, but you eat the nose - apple juice, nutella & noodles (nurdles)
  • You still pronounce helicopter as artitocktar
  • You have been a lot more cuddly and affectionate as of late
  • Your favourite person is Daddy 
  • Your vocabulary is exploding and I am surprised daily as what comes out
  • You are very protective of your brother
  • When Milo wakes up you always wish him good morning and ask if he had a nice sleep
  • You are becoming very polite and thoughtful quite often, I am a proud mama :)

  • You are 18 months old
  • You love music and will randomly dance which cracks me up
  • You are just the happiest boy
  • 2 days ago you said your first real word, it was apple :)
  • You also can somewhat say daddy, hi, ta-ta, kitty, teddy and birdy, you give everything else a crack and babble more and more everyday
  • When we get the wipes out, you go into auto lie down mode, where ever you are
  • If I tell you we're getting milk or an icecream, you will go to the kitchen gate 
  • You still don't like being that far away and will be devastated if I lock you out of anywhere
  • When you have done a poo you will stick your tongue out for yucky
  • When I tell you and your brother dinner is ready, you toddle off and sit at your table and wait to be served
  • Also Ipad obsessed
  • You know very well when you are somewhere doing something you shouldn't be doing 
  • You love climbing
  • You love cuddles and kisses, you go and cuddle your brother in bed in the morning
  • Your favourite foods are apple, biscuits, corn, watermelon, ice cream, chips and tinned spaghetti, also chocolate, you love chocolate!
  • You have started climbing out of your cot - eek!
Opening a letter, mmmm tasty
 Life has been good as of late.
Husband and I have been taking more time to enjoy the kids and being together as a family.
I have learnt from having Mouse that I worry less about everything, life is chilled out. Messes can be left, washing will get done, I will catch up on the house.

Smallest boy & a bump
 The boys are growing too fast and now they are playing together more, it has meant husband and I have had slightly more time (ever so slight) to just have a minute together and appreciate each other, at least until this new one arrives and then it will all be chaos again.
I take more opportunities to sit with the kids just because I can, cuddles can't wait and slowing down is good for all of us although in saying that I have never been busier and I love it. Getting into bed at night I am exhausted!

In the next few weeks we have plenty of Christmas preparation with parties for the kids and presents to buy, have done zero shopping so far.
Husband will have off for Christmas for the first time since we have been a family! I am excited and hoping for low key and lazy.
Life is quite wonderful for the moment.
I am very happy.

love <3

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